Sunday, January 13, 2013

These boots were made for walkin'

Well hey there!  Just checking in for the night.  It is still very cold outside today and it just makes my feet hurt so badly!  I would just rather go potty inside but Brittny said I can't.  She really wants me to be potty trained.  I made only two pee mistakes on the floor today.  Brittny is just so happy that she has zero carpet in her home so it's very easy to clean up.  I can't help it though, when I have to go.. I have to go!!

My feet are cold!  Why are you taking pictures of this?!

I made yellow snow and then I had to go inside.  Brittny knew I wasn't done and had to go poo but I couldn't take anymore torture!  So she rushed me inside and put these little socks on my feet.

Aren't these the cutest?

Well it helped because my feet stayed warm enough for me to finish my business.  I didn't mind having these things on my feet.  I guess a lot of other dogs really dislike it.  Why would they?  They feel so good!

When Brittny had me go potty again she had another idea.  My foster brothers have boots.  One are a pair that resemble Converse and another are ones that zip up.  They both have a paw print on the bottom of them so when I walk, they still leave paw prints in the snow!  So cool!  So she put Howie's shoes on me.  

Now these shoes are awesome!  Like my coat too?

Here I come, mom!

I walk very well in these too!  Brittny was nervous that they would be too heavy compared to the socks but they were just fine.  We walked all over the yard.  I like knowing that my feet don't have to be frozen anymore!  You can see a video of me walking in them here!

I was very active today.  I found a bone and chewed on that a little bit but it's really not my thing yet.  I followed Brittny around the house today while she cleaned.  I have to be everywhere she goes!  I really like her and she talks to me in a funny high pitched voice.  She says, "Hey MoMo!  What are you doing?  Are you a good boy?!" and I walk up to her with my tail wagging and I give her many kisses.  I really like it here.  Can I stay here forever?  I really like my foster dad, Zach, too.  I like to cuddle on the couch with him.  He also has a beard and it feels good to rub my face on it!

I had another special bath today with my shampoo.  I am looking and smelling better after each bath.  My fur is fluffy and more of my scabs are falling off.  I have some on my face, head, and ears but all of the other ones have gone away!  I also haven't had any bleeding from the scabs because I am healing.  I just wish I had some more hair.

I took a good nap today to.  Brittny washes my favorite blankets every two days to keep them fresh.  Every time I lay on them, I drift off to sleep.  I can tell when she wants me to nap for a bit because she comes at me with them and the next thing I know I am drifting off to dreamland.  


I would like to thank everyone who has been reading my blog.  I understand there are people all over the world reading about my story!  Feel free to share it with your friends.  Don't forget to read Gizmo's and Gladys' blog as well.  I haven't heard if my dad Spike has one yet.  I heard that we have been getting some more donations but we always need more to help us.  If you can help, please do!  


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