Sunday, January 20, 2013

More medicine?!

Hello everyone!  Mohawk here.  Sorry I haven't wrote in a few days.  It has been hard to blog without my Brittny's laptop.  It's getting fixed.  So now I have to use the desktop and it's not as convenient!

I'm sitting nicely!

I went to the Vet on Thursday and I got to see my entire Pug family again!  We had our ten day check up.  I got some shots too.  They said we have all been doing great but we have to be on some new medications.

Can I have some privacy?

Okay.  Here's the latest and the greatest on my medications.  As of today I have finished one oral med.  I was taking that one twice a day.  I still have to take another oral med (liquid form) and I take that one once a day for 90 days.  I also get my special bath every two days.  I think it's an anti-fungal one.  I also have to continue getting the eye ointment for my ulcers in my eyes.  Even though they are healing up they still need more work.  That is three times a day.  So on top of that, here's what's new!  I have to get this solution put into my folds twice a day.  This helps with the yeast.  After that has been in my folds for ten minutes I get another medicine put into the folds of my face!  That is only once a day though.  I do get that first solution for my folds also in my ears.  I guess I have some yeast issues there as well?  I also have to take fish oil twice a day.  Brittny puts that in my food and I don't even know it's there.  I think that's everything.. uffda!

I love her!

I heard that I will be going back to the vet for a skin scrape.  I'm not sure what that is or how they do it.  The word scrape doesn't sound enjoyable!  I also heard that when I am older I will be getting neutered and also having nasal surgery.  That would be nice so I can breathe better!

Well, hey there!

I haven't caught on to this whole "I have to go potty outside thing" yet.  Can someone explain this to me?  Why would I want to stand outside when it's this cold out and freeze when I can just poop and pee on the floors inside?  It's much warmer in here!

I still haven't been keeping my kennel dry either.  Brittny said if I can keep my kennel dry, I could sleep in bed with her!  It sounds like a nice idea but I don't know if I am ready.  I will try.

My brothers from another mother.

My foster brother Zygy got adopted today!  I am very happy for him.  Brittny said he went to a nice family and he has all kinds of room to play.  He also has two kids to play with and he will like that.  He just loves to play and be silly.  I will miss him though.  Now I'm the only Pug in this house filled with Boston Terriers.

Bye Zygy!  Miss you!

I better go.  Brittny said her parents are coming to our house and they have to fix the washing machine.  I guess they need that to wash my dirty bedding!  Until next time!!


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