Wednesday, March 13, 2013

2 Months

Hey everyone!  Mo here!  Sorry I haven't updated in a long time.  To be honest, I just haven't had anything to report.  I have been getting bigger and stronger.  I have all of my fur now as well.  I have so much energy and I love to run around and play with my Boston Terrier brothers.  I have really taken a liking to Dexter.  Brittny tells me he is blind but that doesn't stop me!  We play all the time!  I also love to tuck my tail between my legs and run around the house.  Everyone likes it when I do that.

I am going to the vet on Friday for my second skin scrape.  My siblings have all gone before me because Brittny couldn't make it to the vet because she has been very busy.  They all had skin scrapes done and I guess they still had dead mites.  Which is good!  As long as they aren't alive!  My last one had dead ones too so that was very good.  I will see what the doctor tells me on Friday.  I also can't wait to see how much weight I have gained in two months as well.

I have been learning new commands as well.  I am very food motivated!  So far I can sit, shake, high five, lay down, and I know what stay means!  She makes me sit and stay while she feeds me and once I have waited long enough, she says, "Go get it!" and I tell you what, I get it!!

I have been sleeping in bed every night with my foster parents and I have been keeping my kennel dry.  I also have been good about going potty outside except if she doesn't let me out every two hours, I might make a puddle.  Sorry!

I will leave you now with some pictures of my progress.

Day 1

1 week of treatment

2 weeks of treatment

3 weeks of treatment

4 weeks of treatment

5 weeks of treatment

6 weeks of treatment

7 weeks of treatment

8 weeks of treatment

9 weeks of treatment

Ready for bed!


Playtime with my sister, Ivy!


I <3 you

Until next time!!
